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Accepting New Clients! Now Accepting Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance!
Kathleen Meehan MS, RD

the RD nutritionist
Sep 16, 20194 min read
Weight Science and the Humble Evolution of a Non-Diet Dietitian
I knew their plateau or weight regain or binge or whatever it was that made them feel as if they were failing wasn’t for a lack of effort
2,965 views242 comments

the RD nutritionist
Jul 30, 20194 min read
Intuitive Eating is more than Hunger and Fullness
PSA: Don't let Intuitive Eating get reduced to the Hunger / Fullness Diet. Intuitive Eating is a dynamic, evidence-based framework to...
400 views9 comments

the RD nutritionist
Apr 2, 20195 min read
We Have To Talk About Thin Privilege.
I have thin privilege. A lot of my fellow dietitians and other health care providers also have thin privilege. It’s essential that we...
4,957 views18 comments

the RD nutritionist
Mar 7, 20195 min read
Why Low Calorie Eating is Futile - and Why It's Not Your Fault.
As a registered dietitian and a future certified intuitive eating counselor, I don’t encourage low calorie eating. The side effects of...
416 views18 comments

the RD nutritionist
Feb 12, 20192 min read
How to Avoid Food Guilt
According to Intuitive Eating, 45% of adults report feeling guilty after eating something they enjoy. Does this surprise you? How did we...
237 views17 comments

the RD nutritionist
Dec 10, 20184 min read
An Open Letter to Fitness Instructors Who Want to Help Their Clients:
Thank you for the instruction, guidance and leadership you display here in this gym, studio or outdoor space. As trainers or instructors,...
4,742 views21 comments

the RD nutritionist
Dec 3, 20182 min read
You Do Not Need to Micromanage Your Body
Give yourself permission to let go of the idea that you need to micromanage your body or your food. You can trust that your body is...
324 views14 comments

the RD nutritionist
Nov 26, 20183 min read
Why This Registered Dietitian Never Recommends Low Carb Diets
It's time to talk about carbohydrates again. I've had a few recent requests to do some carb myth busting, so let's do it. It’s especially...
738 views10 comments

the RD nutritionist
Nov 15, 20184 min read
Grateful for Intuitive Eating: Don’t Let Food Fear Ruin Thanksgiving
thanksgiving can be hard if you have a challenging relationship with food. practicing intuitive eating can help. a few considerations:
445 views19 comments

the RD nutritionist
Oct 30, 20183 min read
How to Stop Having Scary Thoughts about Candy this Halloween
You know what's really spooky? Restrictive thoughts that make you spend time thinking about food and your body, when you really could be...
321 views34 comments
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